Telling someone

So over the couple of months I have been trying to help people through their problems. And through this I have come to realize that it really isn’t as easy as everyone thinks to just tell someone about what you are facing whether it’s face to face with a friend or anonymously to a suicide hotline. I want to offer a few suggestions of places you can go or people you can talk to if you don’t feel comfortable opening up to someone you know.

  1. A doctor or therapist may benefit you if you prefer talking to someone face to face rather than over the phone but there is only so much a doctor can tell you and they will probably stick to explaining what you are thinking through a biological method rather than exploring the emotional side. A therapist will talk more about the emotional side and will listen to you ranting for an hour if that pleases you although this option does normally cost per session…
  2. A helpline like a suicide hotline is quite helpful (hence the name helpline), this is normally anonymous and confidential and there are lots of different helplines you can contact if you aren’t happy with one or the other. I think this might need a full post so I’ll create a post for helplines over the weekend, I’ll attach a link to this post once it’s been done.
  3. Creating a blog will allow you to spill your thoughts onto paper…well a screen technically and sometimes other bloggers who are in the same boat as you will respond and talk to you.
  4. Writing in a diary could help some of you if you don’t really want to talk about your problems and thoughts and want to keep them to yourself and just want to lay them out in front of you and analyse them…although if you do try this then keep  it in a safe place.
  5. If you prefer the writing side of this but want to be more interactive then an anonymous twitter/tumblr account may be suited to you as you can interact with other users who will be going through the same and you can help them as they help you but be warned, there may be triggering pictures and you may receive some hurtful ‘hate’ messages so I would not recommend this for people who are easily triggered and sensitive.

I just wanted to say that you are not alone and there is always somewhere there to listen whether it be a healthcare professional or just a stranger, people do care! I really do encourage you to talk to someone because feeling like someone is listening and understands you is a huge boost for you and who knows they might hold the answers you were looking for to figure your thoughts out. And if you think it will be easier to talk to me then go ahead I’m here to listen and support you guys, just contact me on the blog or twitter or email (all details in the contact tab on my homepage).

Stay strong and hold on.


Is recovery worth it?

Over the past couple of days I have seen a lot of posts where people have questioned the worth of recovery and asked if they should even try to recover. So, is recovery worth it?








I think that might have answered the question. Recovery IS worth it, just take it from the people who have lived it.

And for those of you who are struggling to find a reason to recover, I found a picture on Twitter yesterday that I think might be able to help. It’s a list of 16 reasons, I hope each of you can use one of these reasons as your own. 🙂


Stay strong and hold on